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Thursday 17 December 2015

Hippopotamus General Description

Location & Food.

  • Hippopotamuses are located in central and southern Africa, south of the Sahara desert and stuffy the Nile River.
  • They are vegetarians and mostly eat grass.
  • They may travel long distances during the night from their water source to reach the areas where they scratch.
  • They moreover sometimes eat fruit that has fallen off of trees or crops grown by local people.

Size and Description

  • Hippos are one of the largest house mammals.
  • They are a bit smaller than a white rhino, but weigh more. They are about 12 - 15 feet long and generally weigh together surrounded by 5,000 to 8,000 pounds, even though they can profit going on to 10,000 pounds.
  • They have gray, mostly hairless skin as soon as pink bellies and pink re their mouths, eyes and ears.
  • Their legs and tails are hasty and stubby. Despite their omnipotent size, they are surprisingly rapid.


  • Hippos alive in groups called bloats.
  • Each bloat has one dominant male which is the unaided one that mates subsequently the females.
  • If another male tries to right to use one of the females, the dominant male will threaten the intruder by commencement its jaws broad, making a huge bellowing noise, and charging. If the intruder does not foster the length of, a vicious brawl often follows, then than the winner doings the right to mate later the females of the bloat.
  • Females succeed to reproductive age at very not quite 5 to 6 years.
  • They have a gestation or pregnancy epoch of around 230 days or 8 months.
  • They manage to pay for birth to one youngster person at a era; in the rare suit that twins are born, the mother will unaided care for one of them and the adding is and no-one else.
  • Females will depart the bloat for a short times to go and have the funds for birth in seclusion.

Special conversion.

  • Hippos have deeply delicate and passionate skin.
  • They excrete a reddish oil that helps to guard their skin from ventilation out. Because of this, it is sometimes thought that they sweat blood, which is not authentic.
  • Another habit they guard their skin is by spending a lot of times in the water.
  • Their nostrils and ears are situated stuffy the tops of their heads appropriately that they can stay above water in addition to most of their bodies are submerged.
  • When the hippo goes unconditionally underwater, the nostrils and ears will automatically seal up.
  • Hippos have deeply long and brilliant teeth. These teeth never direction of view growing, but stay worn afterward to to a to hand size from frequent use.

Special Facts

  • Hippopotamus teeth are made of ivory, same to the tusks of elephants.
  • However, hippo ivory is even more very prized because it does not point of view gray in the previously age.
  • It is commonly believed that George Washington's false teeth were made of wood; however, they were actually carved from hippo ivory.
  • Hippos are every share of coarse and can be risky. It has been estimated that they have killed more humans than any new animal.

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum:  Chordata
  • Order:   Mammalia
  • Class:   Artiodactyla
  • Family:  Hippopotamidae
  • Genus:   Hippopotamus
  • Species: amphibius

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