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Wednesday 16 December 2015

Elephant Short Description

  • The elephant is the largest quadruped animal. Its top can be above eight feet. 
  • This big bulk is supported as regards four sound pillar-subsequent to legs.

   Scientific Name:
  • There are basically two types of elephants, African and Asian. 
  • The scientific declare of African elephant is Loxodonta africana, and of Asian elephant is Elephas maximus.

  • The prominent features of the elephant are its trunk, its hanging ears, and the tusks of some male elephants. 
  • The trunk, attached to its mouth, is several feet long, gymnastic yet mighty. 
  • It is a multi-want organ, used for feeding, combat, bathing, buzzing and expressing emotions.
  • African elephants are enlarged is size, darker in color, and taking into account more prominent ears.
  • Where are elephants found? The elephant is found in Africa, India, Burma, Sri Lanka and Siam.  
    Living style: 
  • It lives in a herd led by a mighty male elephant. 
  • The babies are capably-protected during the bureau of the herd from one place to irregular. 
  • They usually flesh and blood upon on fire, but are very tender of water.

  • Elephant is a herbivorous animal. 
  • They depend of natural world to meet their requirement for food. 
  • They eat branches of trees, vegetables, fruit, grass, etc.Sometimes, taking into account there is scarcity of food in the forest, elephant herds come out to villages and want paddy fields and wheat fields. 
    Relationship subsequently men: 
  • The elephant is an warm animal. 
  • When domesticated, they receive orders from the master and the mahout. 
  • A trained elephant performs delectable tricks in the circus. But an severe elephant is a source of pleasant danger. It can rout everything.
  • In the zoo, we enjoy an elephant ride. 
  • Usually elephants assistance man by carrying unventilated loads and logs in the reforest. 
  • The tusk of the elephant is used for making costly and artistic items. For this ivory, poachers often kill elephants. Everyone should denounce such a crime.
    Some Facts About Elephants:
  • An elephant's skin can be happening to one inch thick, but it is then highly throbbing.
  • The biggest elephant ever weighed 24,000 pounds and was 13 feet high.
  • They can hear each nu's calls going on to 5 miles away.
  • Male elephants, or bulls, living alone following they become adults. However, the females, or cows, living in tight relatives groups led by the oldest female, called a matriarch.
  • They have needy eyesight, but excellent hearing and prudence of smell.
  • Contrary to popular belief, elephants don't really when peanuts.
  • They will throw sand and dirt on the subject of their backs to save from getting sunburned.
  • An elephant is headache satisfactory to believe itself in a mirror.

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