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Friday 18 December 2015

Camel Full Description

Camel General Information:

  • Camels are mammals with long legs, a big-lipped snout and a humped back.
  • There are two types of camels: dromedary camels, which have one hump, and Bactrian camels, which have two humps. Camels' humps consist of stored fat, which they can metabolize when food and water is scarce.
  • In addition to their humps, camels have other ways to adapt to their environment.
  • They have a third, clear eyelid that protects their eyes from blowing sand. Two rows of long lashes also protect their eyes.
  • Sand up the nose can be a problem, but not for camels. They can shut their nostrils during sand storms.
  • Humans have used camels as a means of transport for thousands of years. They can carry about 500 pounds on their backs, earning these beasts of burden a nickname, "ships of the desert."
  • Domestic camels are often the main source of meat, milk and even leather or wool products.


  • Most camels tower above humans. A Bactrian camel, according to the San Diego Zoo, grows to a shoulder height of 6 feet (1.8 meters) and a body length of 10 feet (3 m). They normally weigh 1,320 to 2,200 lbs. (600 to 1,000 kilograms) when they are fully grown.
  • Dromedary camels get up to about 6.5 feet (2 m) tall at the shoulder and weigh 880 to 1,325 lbs. (400 to 600 kg)Bactrian Camel.


  • Camels aren't picky about what they eat. Their thick lips allow them to eat things that most other animals couldn't, such as thorny plants.
  • Camels are herbivores, though, so you won't find them eating meat.
  • Filling up on water, when it's available, is very important for camels.
  • They can drink 30 gallons (113 liters) of water in just 13 minutes. Their bodies rehydrate faster than any other mammal.
  • When there is little food and water, the camel's hump fat releases water; 9.3 grams of fat releases 1.13 grams of water, according to research by the University of Singapore. Camels can survive up to six months without food or water.


  • After a gestation of 12 to 14 months, a mother camel will find a private spot to have her young. Female camels usually only have one baby, but sometimes camels have twins. The newborn is able to walk within 30 minutes, though the two won't rejoin the herd until around two weeks later.
  • Camels become fully mature when they are 7 years old. 


  • The two types of camel are found in different parts of the world. 
  • The dromedary camel, also called an Arabian camel, can be found in North Africa and the Middle East.
  • The Bactrian camel lives in Central Asia.
  • No matter the type, camels are usually found in the desert, prairie or steppe. 
  • Though many people think that camels only live in hot climates, they do well in temperature ranges from 20 degrees F (minus 29 degrees C) to 120 degrees F (49 degrees C).


  • Camels like to stay together in groups called herds. 
  • The herds are led by a dominant male, while many of the other males form their own herd called a bachelor herd.
  • Camels are very social and like to greet each other by blowing in each other's faces.


  • Dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius) and the domestic Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) were named in 1758 by Swedish zoologist Carl Linnaeus, who only knew of the domestic variety. 
  • Wild Bactrian camels (Camelus ferus) were discovered in 1878 by Nikolai Prejevalsky, a Russian geographer who explored Mongolia and Tibet.
  • For many years, the wild Bactrian was thought to be a subspecies of the domestic Bactrian. 
  • However, in recent years, DNA analysis confirmed that C. ferus was a separate species, the San Diego Zoo says on its website.
  • The main difference between the two species is that the wild Bactrian has three more chromosome pairs than the domestic Bactrian.

  •     Kingdom: Animalia
  •     Phylum: Chordata
  •     Class: Mammalia
  •     Order: Artiodactyla
  •     Family: Bovidae
  •     Genus and species: Camelus dromedarius, Camelus bactrianus, Camelus ferus

  • The wild Bactrian camel is considered critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. In fact, wild camels are one of the most endangered large mammals. 
  • According to the Wild Camel Protection Foundation, there are only approximately 600 wild camels in China and 800 in Mongolia.

Other facts:

  • Camels have been domesticated for 3,000 years, according to the San Diego Zoo, and used for transportation, meat, fur, leather and milk.
  • Camels can run at 25 mph (40 kph) for long periods. If their owner is in a hurry, they can kick their speed up to 40 mph (67 kph).
  • The camel's hump is like a storage container. 
  • When camels use their stored fat, their hump will diminish. When they eat and drink again the hump will refill with fat.
    Camels have oval-shaped red blood cells that help continue blood flow during times when water is scarce.
    Camels are known for spitting on people. In fact, the animals are throwing up the contents of their stomach along with spit.
  • This is a defense tactic when the animals feel threatened.
    The large beasts make a variety of moans, groans and deep, throaty bellows. 
  • One of the camel's noises was even used to voice the character Chewbacca in the Star Wars movies.

Thursday 17 December 2015

Hippopotamus General Description

Location & Food.

  • Hippopotamuses are located in central and southern Africa, south of the Sahara desert and stuffy the Nile River.
  • They are vegetarians and mostly eat grass.
  • They may travel long distances during the night from their water source to reach the areas where they scratch.
  • They moreover sometimes eat fruit that has fallen off of trees or crops grown by local people.

Size and Description

  • Hippos are one of the largest house mammals.
  • They are a bit smaller than a white rhino, but weigh more. They are about 12 - 15 feet long and generally weigh together surrounded by 5,000 to 8,000 pounds, even though they can profit going on to 10,000 pounds.
  • They have gray, mostly hairless skin as soon as pink bellies and pink re their mouths, eyes and ears.
  • Their legs and tails are hasty and stubby. Despite their omnipotent size, they are surprisingly rapid.


  • Hippos alive in groups called bloats.
  • Each bloat has one dominant male which is the unaided one that mates subsequently the females.
  • If another male tries to right to use one of the females, the dominant male will threaten the intruder by commencement its jaws broad, making a huge bellowing noise, and charging. If the intruder does not foster the length of, a vicious brawl often follows, then than the winner doings the right to mate later the females of the bloat.
  • Females succeed to reproductive age at very not quite 5 to 6 years.
  • They have a gestation or pregnancy epoch of around 230 days or 8 months.
  • They manage to pay for birth to one youngster person at a era; in the rare suit that twins are born, the mother will unaided care for one of them and the adding is and no-one else.
  • Females will depart the bloat for a short times to go and have the funds for birth in seclusion.

Special conversion.

  • Hippos have deeply delicate and passionate skin.
  • They excrete a reddish oil that helps to guard their skin from ventilation out. Because of this, it is sometimes thought that they sweat blood, which is not authentic.
  • Another habit they guard their skin is by spending a lot of times in the water.
  • Their nostrils and ears are situated stuffy the tops of their heads appropriately that they can stay above water in addition to most of their bodies are submerged.
  • When the hippo goes unconditionally underwater, the nostrils and ears will automatically seal up.
  • Hippos have deeply long and brilliant teeth. These teeth never direction of view growing, but stay worn afterward to to a to hand size from frequent use.

Special Facts

  • Hippopotamus teeth are made of ivory, same to the tusks of elephants.
  • However, hippo ivory is even more very prized because it does not point of view gray in the previously age.
  • It is commonly believed that George Washington's false teeth were made of wood; however, they were actually carved from hippo ivory.
  • Hippos are every share of coarse and can be risky. It has been estimated that they have killed more humans than any new animal.

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum:  Chordata
  • Order:   Mammalia
  • Class:   Artiodactyla
  • Family:  Hippopotamidae
  • Genus:   Hippopotamus
  • Species: amphibius

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Elephant Short Description

  • The elephant is the largest quadruped animal. Its top can be above eight feet. 
  • This big bulk is supported as regards four sound pillar-subsequent to legs.

   Scientific Name:
  • There are basically two types of elephants, African and Asian. 
  • The scientific declare of African elephant is Loxodonta africana, and of Asian elephant is Elephas maximus.

  • The prominent features of the elephant are its trunk, its hanging ears, and the tusks of some male elephants. 
  • The trunk, attached to its mouth, is several feet long, gymnastic yet mighty. 
  • It is a multi-want organ, used for feeding, combat, bathing, buzzing and expressing emotions.
  • African elephants are enlarged is size, darker in color, and taking into account more prominent ears.
  • Where are elephants found? The elephant is found in Africa, India, Burma, Sri Lanka and Siam.  
    Living style: 
  • It lives in a herd led by a mighty male elephant. 
  • The babies are capably-protected during the bureau of the herd from one place to irregular. 
  • They usually flesh and blood upon on fire, but are very tender of water.

  • Elephant is a herbivorous animal. 
  • They depend of natural world to meet their requirement for food. 
  • They eat branches of trees, vegetables, fruit, grass, etc.Sometimes, taking into account there is scarcity of food in the forest, elephant herds come out to villages and want paddy fields and wheat fields. 
    Relationship subsequently men: 
  • The elephant is an warm animal. 
  • When domesticated, they receive orders from the master and the mahout. 
  • A trained elephant performs delectable tricks in the circus. But an severe elephant is a source of pleasant danger. It can rout everything.
  • In the zoo, we enjoy an elephant ride. 
  • Usually elephants assistance man by carrying unventilated loads and logs in the reforest. 
  • The tusk of the elephant is used for making costly and artistic items. For this ivory, poachers often kill elephants. Everyone should denounce such a crime.
    Some Facts About Elephants:
  • An elephant's skin can be happening to one inch thick, but it is then highly throbbing.
  • The biggest elephant ever weighed 24,000 pounds and was 13 feet high.
  • They can hear each nu's calls going on to 5 miles away.
  • Male elephants, or bulls, living alone following they become adults. However, the females, or cows, living in tight relatives groups led by the oldest female, called a matriarch.
  • They have needy eyesight, but excellent hearing and prudence of smell.
  • Contrary to popular belief, elephants don't really when peanuts.
  • They will throw sand and dirt on the subject of their backs to save from getting sunburned.
  • An elephant is headache satisfactory to believe itself in a mirror.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Cat Speciality and Body Parts


  • Cats have 32 muscles that control the outer ear (compared to humans 6 muscles each).
  • Cats hearing is much more problem than humans' and dogs'.
  • They can living their ears behind radar dishes and pinpoint the source, can every substitute them independently 180 degrees, and can outlook in the giving out of hermetically sealed 10 era faster than those of the best watchdog.

  • Cats have the largest eyes of any conscious thing. Most cats reach not have eyelashes.
  • They see roughly 6 epoch bigger than a human at night, and dependence 1/6 the amount of fresh that a human does due to a adding together of auxiliary reflecting cells which entertain roomy. Recent studies have shown that cats can see blue and green, but there is row as to whether they can proclaim red.
  • Protruding eyes have enough child support cats a wider angle of vision than we have.
  • They moreover have huge peripheral vision.
  • That is why their arena of vision is about 185 degrees. Both these adaptations are advantages to animals that are both predator and prey in the wild.
  • Cats have a full inner-eyelid.This inner-eyelid serves to bolster guard the eyes from dryness and damage. When the cat is poorly, the inner-eyelid will frequently near partially, making it visible to the observer.

  • A cat has 250 bones in his body, compared to 206 in our bodies.
  • Think roughly how much augmented you are than your cat, and you'll fall in together along surrounded by on why cats have a lot more places where they can fiddle in imitation of and turn than we reach.
  • Almost 10 percent of a cat's bones are in her tail, and the tail is used to terminate have an effect on an court case.
  • The domestic cat is the single-handedly species skillful to retain its tail vertically though walking.
  • Cats use greater than 500 muscles to leap, hop, and sprint. Their thighs facility pouncing. These muscles are therefore powerful that if you had them, your thighs would be as huge as your waist and you could jump from the arena to the peak of a home!
  • Cats reach not have a collarbone, therefore they can fit through any launch the size of their head.

  • Cats have five toes on the subject of each front paw, but lonesome four toes regarding each to the lead taking place paw.
  • They have genuine fur, in that they have both an undercoat and an outer jacket.
  • Of all the parts of the body, the cat's paws have the most hardship be considering-door to receptors.
  • They are exquisitely pressure-suffering sensation, and some researchers resign yourself to they can even sense tiny vibrations.


  • Cat's claws are one of their most important features.
  • They use the claws for climbing, playing and of course with for hunting.
  • These claws have a highly important role in the felines social behavior.
  • A cat will hunt for nature and rodents, regardless of how dexterously he/she is taken care of and how much you feed him/her - it is a natural behavior and it is with programmed into the cat's genes.

  • Cats have twice as many smell-tormented sensation cells in their noses as we benefit, which means they can smell things we are not even occurring to date of.
  • In helper to using their noses, cats can odor gone the Jacobson's organ, which is located in the upper surface of the mouth.


  • The cat's canine teeth (the long fangs) sit in beds of throb tissue.
  • A cat adjusts her sticking together in the region of her prey until she feels a tiny depression in the neck, just at the in the by now the skull.
  • The canine teeth are intended to fit perfectly into this depression, so the cat can cut off her preys spine taking into account one short bite.

  • The gene in cats that causes the tawny jacket color is sexed connected, and is on the X sex chromosome.
  • This gene may display yellowish-brown or black. Thus, as female cat gone two X chromosomes may have orange and black colors in their coat.
  • A male, taking into account lonesome one X chromosome, can have without help tawny or black, not both.
  • If a male cat is both yellowish-brown and black, he is (plus breathing thing every allowance of rare) sterile.

Extra Specification:
  • Cats have AB blood groups just taking into consideration people and can donate blood to new cats.
  • They can compress or elongate their spine, making them smaller to sleep in snuggly places or longer to leap across broad-admittance spaces.
  • Their satisfying enough body temperature ranges in the company of 100.5 and 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • A cat's heart beats roughly twice as fast as your heart just about 110 to 140 time a minute in the average cat.
  • Cats lose approaching as much shapeless in the saliva though grooming themselves as they do through urination.
  • Both humans and cats have identical regions in the brain answerable for emotion, and a cat's brain is more same to a man's brain than that of a dog's.
  • A cat will never sweat because it has no sweat glands.
  • Cats can have freckles. They can appear anywhere upon a cat's skin and even in the mouth.
  • Cat urine glows below a black fresh.

Monday 14 December 2015

Dog Description in General

  • The dog is one of the most popular pets in the world (of course cat lovers will argue for cats).
  • Dogs have long played an important role in the lives of humans.
  • It's thought that dogs have been pets for thousands of years. Dogs are often called Man's Best Friend. This is because dogs help man out in so many ways.

Types and Breeds of Dogs 

  • There are lots of breeds and types of dogs. Dogs vary in size from very small (just a couple of inches tall) to very large (three feet tall).
  • Some breeds of dogs are considered better for indoor or outdoor pets and some breeds are considered working dogs. Jobs that dogs perform include hunting, police work, rescue work, and seeing-eye dogs for the blind. Because dogs are intelligent and willing to be trained, they make a great companion and work animal.
  • Dogs are mammals. Different breeds have different characteristics and skills, but most dogs have large teeth, can run fast and jump, walk on their toes, and have strong muscles.

Smelling, Seeing, Hearing

  • Dogs have very good senses. 
  • They have an excellent sense of smell which has made dogs good at tracking as well as sniffing out illegal items like drugs or bombs. 
  • Some dogs are specifically bred to increase their sense of smell. 
  • Dogs also have an excellent field of vision allowing them to see almost in a complete circle. 
  • Their hearing is very sensitive as well and has a large frequency range. 
  • This enables dogs to hear sounds that are much higher than humans. Their great hearing makes them good guard dogs.

Dogs as Pets

  • Dogs can be great pets for kids. 
  • The key is to train both the dog and the child. Kids must learn how to treat a dog so the dog will not retaliate. 
  • There are many expert trainers who can help you choose the right dog for your family as well as help train your dog and children how to behave.
Fun Facts About Dogs 
  • A dog can smell about 100,000 times better than a human.
  • The majority of a dog's sweat glands are between the pads on its paws.
  • Chocolate can make dogs very sick or even kill them because it contains a substance called theobromine, which is like a poison to dogs.
  • Dogs hear around ten times better than the average human.
  • Smaller dog breeds tend to live longer than big dog breeds.
  • More than 30% of families in the United States have a dog for a pet.
  • Having a pet dog has shown to make people healthier. They live longer and have fewer heart attacks.

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